Chopras engaged Singapore to influence 4 other SEA education

Chopras engaged Singapore to influence 4 other SEA education


Singapore, 27 Feb 2018 – India’s leading education group, The Chopras Group, has expanded their consultancy services to Singapore. 

They deploy a well-established psychometric test known as CMAP+ to suggest ideal careers for students. CMAP+ uncovers student’s career interests (e.g. artistic, scientific, logical), personal work profile (e.g. introverted, emotionally stable, spontaneous) and ability test results (e.g. verbal, numerical, abstract reasonings). Based on the ideal career, Chopras consultants will help individual students to develop a customized plan to find the right university and course for them.

Career Planning 

Based on our psychometric test, we can show parents which are the best careers for their children. This will allow their children to excel and be happy in their future careers instead of being struck in a job that doesn’t suit them.

After the ideal career has been discovered, Chopras consultants will find the best fit of university and course based on factors such as student’s budget, educational preference and likelihood to win scholarships. For their premium package of S$1,000, Chopras consultants will help students prepare for higher education which includes researching of suitable universities, visa and living arrangement, SAT test preparation, editing of submission essay and shortlisting of 3 to 5 universities that would suit their requirements. The Chopras also offer free consultation for limited range of service.

At the launch event at Fullerton Hotel on 21 February 2018, most of the well-known institutes of higher education were in attendance. They include Nanyang Technology University (NTU), Singapore Institute of Management (SIM), University of Kent, Kaplan Higher Education Academy and Raffles Education Network. The Chopras have over 600 partner universities globally which include National University of Singapore (NUS), NTU, Singapore Management University (SMU), Laselle, SIM and PSB Academy in Singapore.

Singapore As Springboard into South East Asia

The brand has been built over 23 years in India before entering into Singapore, engaging well over 350,000 students annually. Most major universities in the world are aware of our work and activities, especially our focus of always putting student’s interest first above any commercial interest of the company. Singapore will be the headquarters to open other new markets in South East Asia.

Singapore headquarters will be at Shenton House while the retail outlet opened for student consultations would be at Tanglin Shopping Centre. With the launch of the Singapore branch, the Chopras plan to extend their reach to students in key markets such as Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia and Philippines in South East Asia within the next 18 to 24 months.

Their current focus would be to engage students and to educate them on the importance of career planning to build their reputation and good will. 85% of their Indian business come from word of mouth. They are also investing millions to build up their global leadership, technology and to streamline corporate infrastructure and services for smooth integration globally.  Its competitive advantage comes from our ability to provide a full suite of quality service to our students with their best interest.

Other Commercial Interests

Besides their core business of using career planning to guide student’s choice and to assist them in getting into the right university, the Chopras have concrete plans to set up their own university to help students gain skills in lateral and creative thinking. They have obtained permission to set up the University of North-West Himalayas, in the Indian State of Uttarakhand and the first batch of students will enter in the Fall of 2020.