Fortune Times REITs Pinnacle Award 2017

Fortune Times REITs Pinnacle Award 2017


Singapore, 23rd November 2017 – Fortune Times|时代财智, the leading Chinese business magazine based in Singapore, is honoured to present  “Fortune Times REITs Pinnacle Award 2017” to recognize these Asia REITs for good corporate governance, promising prospects and meaningful REIT perspectives in the market.

In conjunction with Fortune Times 13th Anniversary celebration, the award ceremony is held at Four Seasons Hotel on 23rd Nov. There are around 250 guests from Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and China to witness the grand occasion.

Most Significant Return REIT in Asia 2017
Viva Industrial Trust, Singapore
Recipient: Mr Wilson Ang, CEO, Viva Industrial Trust

Most Value Creation REIT in Asia 2017
OUE Hospitality Trust, Singapore
Recipient: Eric Gan Chee Teik, CFO, OUE Hospitality REIT

Most Promising REIT in Asia 2017
AXIS REIT, Malaysia
Recipient: Ms Leong Kit May, CEO, Axis REIT

Most Value Creation REIT in Asia 2017
KLCC REIT, Malaysia
Recipient: Datuk Hashim Wahir, CEO, KLCCP Stapled Group

Best Advocator China REITs 2017
Fred Wang Gang
Sectary in General, China REITs Alliance, China

To view the video clip broadcasted by Channel New Asia on 30 Nov 2017, please click here